Friends of Penlee House logo - transparent background

What we do

The ‘Friends’ was formed as the charitable arm of Penlee House in 1987, with the object of providing support to our cherished gallery and museum – a truly wonderful facility that provides links to our past and an opportunity to enjoy an outstanding collection of works by world renowned West Cornwall artists, in particular those known collectively as the ‘Newlyn School’ and those of the nearby Lamorna artists colony.

Penlee House is also a celebration of the rich heritage of West Penwith – the tin mining, fishing and agriculture industries and the local crafts including copper working – are all captured amongst the artefacts and photographic collections of Penlee House. 

But above all, Penlee’s remarkable collection of works produced by artists collectively known as the Newlyn School is what makes Penlee House such a special place in which to spend time.

The Friends’ funds are raised through member’s subscriptions, donations, bequests and from various other activities – collectively enabling the Society to provide valuable support to Penlee House. Not least of all, when combining with other grant giving organisations, the ‘Friends’ make the purchase of important works of art and artefacts possible.

The Society has developed a Volunteer Committee to organise events and activities for our members. As well as receiving invitations to private viewings of each new Penlee House Exhibition, members have access to our programme of talks and are informed about art and history related visits within the local area and about other local events of interest.

Importantly, your membership and continued support enables us to provide a meaningful contribution towards the work of Penlee House.

Your membership is greatly appreciated.