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Rain, rain go away – Penlee launches urgent £90,000 roof appeal

Last winter the UK had 29% above average rainfall, and parts of the Penlee House roof couldn’t cope.

The rain came through the roof…and buckets now appear in parts of the upstairs gallery whenever there is a serious downpour.

“One of the worst areas is on a landing at the top of the gallery stairs,” said Anna Renton, Director of the gallery. “We are patching as best we can, but water always seems to find a way through.”

A survey in April by chartered surveyors Matthews Johns Associates recommended parts of roof and guttering needed urgent replacement. “It is clear that the valley to the main roof is failing and responsible for significant ingress within the gallery space.”

“The work outlined by the surveyor will cost more than £130,000 and we are grateful that Penzance Council – whose budgets are stretched – has promised more than £40,000 towards the work when they have already pledged £200,000 towards an upgrade to the air handling system vital for the safe keeping of the gallery’s art collection,” said Anna.

Penlee House is home to one of the most eminent collections of Newlyn School art in the world as well as to the Museum. The Museum’s objects represent over 6,000 years of West Cornwall’s history. The gallery has now launched an urgent public appeal to raise £90,000 to fix and in parts replace areas of the roof and guttering.

John Swarbrooke, Chairman of the Friends of Penlee House Trustees, said: ”We hope that Friend will support this important appeal. These repairs are essential for the future of Penlee House. The Friends’ constitution does not allow us as a charity to make financial contributions towards the maintenance of Penlee House as a society, but we hope that individual Friends will be able and willing to support this appeal with generous donations.”

The gallery has so far received £7,000 in public donations.

To donate online please go to: or send a cheque payable to Penzance Town Council in an envelope marked ‘Buildings Appeal’ to Penlee House Gallery & Museum, Penzance, TR18 4HE.